Ralph and Vanellope from Disney’s animated adventure “Ralph Breaks the Internet” have been meeting their fans at Disney Parks since last fall, when their movie debuted in theaters. Starting this week, you can find these best friends in an all-new location at Epcot®.
The staff of the Imagination Institute is now conducting a new experiment, creating a portal into other dimensions. That portal has opened a window on the internet for Ralph and Vanellope to step through, right into the ImageWorks area of the Imagination! pavilion, where you can meet with them every day.
The hit film “Ralph Breaks the Internet” is now available on Digital and comes to Blu-ray on Feb. 26, 2019. Available for the first time on 4K Ultra HD!
Want to add this fun meet and greet to your Disney itinerary? Contact your Upon A Star Travel Expert today!
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